I invite you to dive into the project of my life
The Idea behind the project is to create a better reality in all circles of life.
My program was to create human Chain reaction for a global conversation and connection based on the common ground that we share one body and each of us is a world of his own.
Change begins with an awareness of a process characterised by the abandonment of instinctive motives and the adoption of value motives for action, as a way of personal action.
Choosing a larger selection of options for self realisation by finding a conceptual common denominator with others.
Responsibility for today's act out of awareness of its consequences in the future, in private life, in family life, in the community, and in the country in which we live.
Companies encourage the act of connecting on the basis of finding a common denominator in favor of mutual development.
Mutual guarantee. A commitment of the holder of the capacity to guarantee the development process of the incompetent. Love the way to connect partners with the way.
Self-expression as a tool for emphasising the uniqueness inherent in each person Listening sensitivity to the messages conveyed as an expression of real needs beyond the words spoken but also according to the original intention of the speaker.
Knowledge Development, collection and processing of data into a plan through which the vision can be realised. Commitment to carry out actions for the new way of changing values in the State of Israel, even if it is more difficult and demanding. Loyalty of perseverance at all times, to actions actually taken until the vision is realised Unity We are all one body.